Another busy week here with tons of things going wrong! The comic was delayed, the podcast was released early and all the cases and DVDs got mailed to my moms house!
Yes everything seems to be against me this week. I was away from my computer Thrusday/Friday for some personal stuff and had my FTP program set to upload the cartoon at around noon on Thrusday. That somehow didn't work properly and I think it might have just been user error but it is sort of a bummer. Something else that totally did not work out this week was the Podcast for next week. I was putting a rough private version of the podcast onto Youtube to send to some people and although I know 100% I set that thing to "Private" it somehow managed to upload as "Public". Very, very annoying as I had to then deal with a bunch of angry fans upset I took it off youtube because they are clueless of this site and if it isn't on youtube they don't care. Sadface.
Besides all of THAT though, things are shaping up nicely. I will give fair warning here about the DVD though. I absoutely am refusing to cut stuff off of it so it will most likely get delayed in shipping by a week or two. This is only because the pre orders have been insane so far and I'm totally going to get backed up here. If you are planning on giving this DVD to someone for Christmas, throw me an email at rob @ and I can see what I can do to make sure you are on the first batch mailed out here. Hopefully everyone will get it by Christmas but for you guys overseas I really can't promise much as I have no idea what kind of time it's going to really take.
Alright then. This Monday is another live show, we got Two more comics coming up on Tuesday and Thrusday and the new podcast (The one without Johnny, stop emailing me because this isn't something I can change) will be out Wenesday. I will tell you guys right now that if you are looking for the same kind of show as Legendary Heroes, you might be disappointed, but with that said, if you are open minded and like to laugh then this new podcast will surely end up on your Wenesday night links.