Friday, July 23, 2010

The first episode of our new E-Devs show is out! Make sure to check it out and LIKE/COMMENT with the new facebook thing I am trying out! Also Unforgotten Realms 49? Before the end of the month!

Things are getting better and better around here. We finished the first episode of E-Devs this week and I been working hard on some Unforgotten Realms stuff. It's been a long time since I had to draw so many things for UR. Typically you might see a reskined character or some sets "changed" a little, but never really made from scratch. I typically limit myself to only a days worth of drawing a week, but episode 49 here requires more art then almost all of Unforgotten Realms put together. You are going to see a LOT of new characters and Moon Well pass is gonna be pretty bitchin. I'm also trying out something "Different" for this next episode that some of you will love and some of you will tell me what a waste of an episode it was!

Back onto E-Devs though, a LOT of people have asked me if this show will effect Unforgotten Realms. Of course it will, but Unforgotten Realms just isn't enough anymore and I can do an episode of each or even two E-Devs episodes and a UR in the same time I can do a UR. That being said, you should still expect two or three episodes of UR a month here on out. No promises, Unforgotten Realms is still my baby, but I do want to get this Season all finished up here.

DVDs. Yeah remember those puppies? If you haven't received your DVD yet or even an email about it. Expect it by the end of the month. If you haven't received an Email about your DVD, email me at the end of the month here. The last couple hundred are going out over this week, early and late next week so every DVD will have been sent out. I talk about DVDs again, because I have had huge interest via email for people wanting to support the show and purchase a DVD! Totally awesome and late next month or early August, i'll be ready to sell them (and ship them without a 6 month wait!) when you buy them! Oh man, it will be like a REAL business then! Super sweet right?

Anyway, the last thing I want to mention is FAN EXPO in Toronto, Ontario. I am planning on heading to it (It's at the end of August), but nothing is final yet! The dudes still have to expect my application, but if any of you were thinking of heading there this year I thought I'd just give that quick shout out. If I am going, be sure to watch out for Roamin the Paladin to let you dudes know I'm going! Thats all for now, enjoy the new show!


  1. Shmexhy elf is... not too shmexhy... Breast implants ftl.

  2. The hat she's wearing reminds me of some hats that were made for the avatar forum site called Gaia Online. o.o

    Cool beans about the new show though! Looks like stuff is picking up.

  3. fuck yes! all i gotta say

  4. I am officially posting this on August 1st. No Unforgotten Realms :(

  5. brandon,thats where rob got the idea of the hat from,i belive ro has accont on there called mr ink

  6. haha ur episode 49 by the end of the month! nice joke i like your sense of humor!

  7. Can't wait for it to come out :)

  8. It's probably because I'm not a world of warcraft fan but I was like "what the hell..?" through most of e-devs.. some of it is okay but the art isn't up to your usual standard Rob though I wont go as far as that guy earlier who said it looked like a mentally challenged 13 year old did it!
    (oh and I realise you don't have to rush out episodes but please stop giving deadlines if you don't have to live up to them, defeats the whole point of them don't you think? I'd be happy with a 'whenever dude' deadline.)

  9. Where the fuck is my DVD!? It sent menan email that it was sent out 3 weeks ago and I still haven't gotten it! So what the fuck is going on?!

  10. Ryan. First off three weeks is not a long time. I have had people in the US take upwards to a month to get it for whatever reason the post office decides. If for some reason you are sure it isn't coming in, sending me an email about it so I can send out another one is worth more then ranting about it here on my blog where I might not even see it.

  11. I am going to the Fan Expo in T.O too :D I hope I see you! It's going to be awesome!

  12. The only reason I am posting this is to say I can't wait to see you tommorow at fan expo. The reason I didn't post this earlier is because I expected there to be a LOT of messages on this. I've watched your show since the classics and will be knocking the men, women and children over to get to your booth early on friday.

  13. Hey Robert,

    I hadn't heard of your site until I met you briefly at FanExpo. You seemed really excited and and were all "Go to my site!", so here I am. I've only seen the first episode so far but it looks good. Just thought I'd let you know your efforts weren't a waste.

  14. I'm posting this now and here because it's been really busy for me and i enjoy being memorable at a single place. I am proud that I was the first to reach your table...booth...section? anyways, thanks a lot for the dvd, the pictures and most importantly being so cool about talking with and making a special braille pic for my blind friend, see you next year.

  15. Im pretty new to this and i have to say , im speacking on half of severl of my friands, that we prefer UR over E-Devs but we also relize that its your life not ours and we cant control what you make. Also if you have a min or 5 could you give us an update on the new epasode? Also congrats on the marrige and getting a job. also beacuse its football season (amarican) will that slow the pace of epasodes?

    Thanks your doing a great job!

  16. Robert,

    I am a fan of your work, which certainly does not mean I hate you in any way when I say the following things:

    First, I'm only speaking for myself here, but I do not find E-Devs funny. I do not see any real story elements, which is what made Unforgotten Realms one of the best shows I have ever watched. I really think you should spend most of your time on more Unforgotten Realms Episodes, if you spend any time at all
    on E-Devs.

    Which brings me to my next point: where have you been? It's November now, which makes it, say, about three months since I last heard from you (August?), and yet I see no sign of you even caring about Unforgotten Realms anymore. If you read this message, then you should post on your blog that you won't be making episodes until because . But I'm really hoping that there will be a new episode of Unforgotten Realms by Christmas, as that would be your present to all of us, your fans, or by New Years Eve, marking your resolution of continuing the series.

    Thank you for your time,

