Monday, September 13, 2010

Fan Expo and New Podcasts

Oh boy.... this might be a long one! Alright, so I got back from FanExpo a little over a week ago, wouldn't you know it my computer's heat sink started telling me how much it didn't like being under the table of a hot convention center. Replaced that bugger only to find out Vista thinks I don't need a desktop to use my computer, wiped my drives clean, upgraded to Windows Seven and then spent a long time installing software. MAN I have a lot of software I use to do all this stuff! So besides that slowing me down from talking about Fan Expo, I also was holding off for interviews.

Three different small little companies did video interviews with me at fan expo and none of them used my footage! Awesome! But oh well the expo as a hole was awesome. Lots of super fans who have never, ever spoken to me were super excited to meet me. I had this cool little thing going where if you signed my Eluamous Nailo or Sir Schmoopy of Awesometon posters, I would draw you a picture. Somehow I didn't realize that when you say you will draw people pictures for free, A LOT of people end up wanting pictures. Just how many did I draw then? I dunno you count for me!

If you follow that link to our new facebook group, you can also see some pictures of our booth and some fans who upgraded pictures taken with me. I will for sure be going next year back to Fan Expo in Toronto and hopefully even more dudes will sign my posters next year.

Back to the Unforgotten Realms universe, you guys want some episodes don't you? I know. I know. I have a ton of things on my plate right now, but I'm looking to get this show really going. This week I am hoping to have an episode of E-Devs up for those who enjoyed the first one as it is nearly finished and next week I'm working on a super secret video for a contest, because winning money would be awesome right now. I will try really hard to fit in getting this episode up though guys, I know you are being patient, but I need you to keep that patience for just a little longer. The biggest problem with going from working with the Escapist to myself is Time. I find myself doing more of the business aspect, then the creative aspect of the show so I'm also looking to do some expanding here too and get some other dudes on board.

Speaking of expanding and making a living off this show. BOOM T-Shirts. Now I know what your thinking "Rob, T-shirts are lame, sell something else", but you are wrong my friend. You see on the Escapist, they never really asked for my input on there shirts. The Canadian Lumber one was awesome, but the other two.. ehh. But MAN this shirt were working on is gonna be HELLA sweet. Roamin from the podcast is even going to model it for me. I'm gonna do preorders (OH GOD THE P WORD) for it later this month once everything is final but MAN. I can't wait for you dudes to see this shirt. Hey you fans that came to expo. YOU BETTER come in one of these shirts next year, you'll need a red helmet, a hammer, and a belt with a penis on it to go with this awesome shirt.

Oh and DVDs! All the preorders have be finished for awhile now (Except for that one gal who knows who she is and ordered a bajillion of them, there coming this week dollface), if you didn't get your DVD, or something was wrong with it. Please throw me an email. Sometimes I don't get back to you, but I just reminding people that they SHOULD have them by now. If you don't EMAIL ME. For those looking to by a sweet DVD and help out the show (God I have debts to pay off, I'm an internet business dude!), they will be up later this week, there will be a small little ad for you. Go get one!

MAN Podcasts. You guys can thank Roamin for these. He worked his butt off to get me and Gaary to finally sit down and do some. So will have a new one every Wednesday here. We did six of them so theres a lot coming out. I believe the topics we did were
  • Worst People to be Stuck on an Island With
  • Best "characters" to Protect you from everything and anything
  • Worst Ways to Die
  • Top Three people you want to Fight
  • Top three Worst Jobs
  • A Debate on who amongst us is the most Racist (For some reason Roamin tries to win?)
Yeah they were all pretty good. One is even up ALREADY. Like I tell some people, Urealms, the Podcast and even E-Devs are not exactly made for the same types of people. A lot of people get all angry when I do one and not the other. In the future, hopefully I can get some help and just end up doing all three all the time!

I *Think* that is it though! Oh we have Facebook and Twitter stuff too. People keep telling me they always forget about the site to come check out our stuff so hopefully those social media outlets will help fix that! Anyway, high fives.